Because of you I appreciate the sunset more than before.
Because of you I stop to look up at the moon and wish upon a star.
Because of you I look forward to hearing the birds sing in the morning,
and thank God for their beautiful songs.
Because of you I am more understanding of others and accept people for who they are.
Because of you material things do not matter.
Because of you the touch of someone you love is more
precious than any gift you can receive.
Because of you I have a broken heart but I thank God for sending you to me.
For there is no stronger love than I hold for you.
Until we meet again...
~J. Melia
This is a page dedicated to my son, Avery Jace Kimbrell who was stillborn September 5, 2006 at 34 weeks 2 days and to all his angel friends who were taken from this world far too early. I hope that the information here will help others going through a loss as well as help those who know someone who has experienced a loss. Please look at the Blog Archive for the posted poems. Check back as I continue to add more info and make this blog better. Feedback is always welcome.