Thoughts on Becoming a Mother

Thoughts on Becoming a Mother

There are women that become mothers without effort,
without thought, without patience or loss
and though they are good mothers and love their children,
I know that I will be better.
I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books,
but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have longed and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation
are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover. 
I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him
and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill,
take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream.
My dream will be crying for me.
I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. 
I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister
because I have known pain.
So now, when others hurt around me,
I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. 
I see it, mourn it and join them in theirs.
I listen.
And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. 
I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine,
of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth
and when life is beyond hard. 
I have learned compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes, I will be a wonderful mother.

Author Unknown

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